Queere Tiere
"Queere Tiere" (queer animals) is an evening that is somewhere between a drag show and post-dramatic opera. The two versatile musical talents Daniel Hellmann and Coco Schwarz appear in their fictional characters Soya the Cow and Piano Prince and talk about the diversity of sexualities, love and life forms in the animal kingdom. Starting from their personal perspective as queer human animals, they weave stories of real queer animals and animals from myths and fairy tales, with the theme of transformation running through the evening as a common thread - musically and in terms of content.
Join us for a dazzling and fascinating show in which hybrid human-animal mythical creatures coexist with gay sheep, lesbian albatrosses, bisexual snails and transgender clownfish.
I sometimes imagine what it might be like to be in love as an earthworm, with 5 hearts and two genders. 10 hearts of love!

Daniel Hellmann (aka Soya the Cow): text / voice / performance / composition
Coco Schwarz (aka Piano Prince): composition / piano / performance
Gui Mauad: costume design
Theres Indermaur: stage & light design
Olivia Schenker: video
Anne Welenc: dramaturgy
Ursina Greuel: outside eye
Regula Spirig: production
Les Productions de la Seine: touring & diffusion
A production by 3art3 in Co-production with Sogar Theater Zürich & Bühne Aarau
With the support of Stadt Zürich Kultur, Aargauer Kuratorium, Migros Kulturprozent, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Kanton Zürich, Pro Helvetia, Société Suisse des Auteurs, Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung, Pro Argovia Kaktus